T-1: Our Bags Are Packed & We're Ready To Go

Ready as We're Ever Going To Be to Take Off on Our Great Alaska Adventure

Lists Checked Off-- We're Ready!

We've crossed off all the lists (well mostly-- see above), we've packed our bags, and the food bag, and the coats bag, and the books bag, and the electronics backpack. 

Electronics Staged--a Veritable Noah's Ark of Gear

Well the electronics bag is not quite packed yet, as you can see above.  Even 10 years ago it would be impossible to imagine taking this much electronic gear on vacation.  We did pare it down to two cameras (well three if you count the camera in the binoculars), two tablets, two phones, two extra battery packs-- this is starting to sound like Noah's Ark of gear-- and every type of cable you can imagine.

The fridge is truly cleared out now (apparently except for a couple of green twister ties in the produce bins). That's my milk for the morning; and in case you're wondering there is one egg left in that carton, and it is going to make a lovely present for someone in the morning.

Empty Fridge-- and cleaner than it's been in ages (likely since the last time Toni visited)

And, Bob has the trip binders compiled and ready to go. (The engineer can retire, but you can't stop him from organizing binders.)

Bob's Trip Binders and Cookies (wouldn't want to forget those)

Yes, there are those cookies again.  We wouldn't want to forget them, though the bags are a bit less full than in the first pictures.

Finally, Bob put his mark on M so everyone would know there was a Hokie on board.  (He did get permission-- but I drew the line at putting anything on the paint.)

Bob Puts His Mark on M

So, we're ready to hit the road in the morning and embark on our Great Alaska Adventure.



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